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39 Days ago by YaWK (YaWK) updated text / fixed typos
open commit on GitHub

39 Days ago by YaWK (YaWK) updated text / fixed typos
open commit on GitHub

39 Days ago by YaWK (YaWK) updated text / fixed typos
open commit on GitHub

39 Days ago by YaWK (YaWK) updated link to latest closed issues
open commit on GitHub

40 Days ago by YaWK (YaWK)

Updated some formatting, more precise installation and troubleshooting information
open commit on GitHub

40 Days ago by YaWK (YaWK)

Updated to current dev state (24.6.15)
open commit on GitHub

40 Days ago by YaWK (YaWK)

#384 + #389: check, if filebase array could be parsed, throw error message if not. This is just a hotfix, found/caused due a wrong char (~) in the filebase.ini - this should be fixed/filtered in update process shell script
open commit on GitHub

42 Days ago by YaWK (Daniel Retzl)

#402 update build 24.6.15 [auto-commit/shell]
open commit on GitHub

42 Days ago by YaWK (YaWK)

#391: cURL processing / fetch openAPI response used by ajax call / js code of includes/page-edit.php
open commit on GitHub

42 Days ago by YaWK (YaWK)

#397: fixed api key language tag default settings
open commit on GitHub

Issues latest closed issues

  193 Days ago | Issue #413 | System Settings: Font Management

Google Fonts Handling / Improvements / PreFetching

**This issue holds all the **Google Fonts related Stuff** that has to do with handling, improvement or pre-fetching.** About prefetching: DNS prefetching A DNS or domain name server converts IP addresses in readable website URLs such as Whenever a user requests an asset being hosted on a particular domain they must perform a DNS lookup and find which domain name that IP address belongs to. This process takes time and the most DNS lookups that are required, the longer your visitors will be waiting for a page to load. DNS prefetching allows the browser to perform the DNS lookups for links on a page in the background while the user browses the current page. This minimizes latency as when the user clicks on a link with DNS prefetch enabled, they do not have to wait for the DNS lookup to take place as it already has. DNS prefetch can be added to a specific URL by adding the rel= tag to the link attribute like so: Similar to link prefetch, DNS prefetch has also been adopted by most modern browsers. As seen on:[email protected]
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  42 Days ago | Issue #412 | Chat GPT Integration
Improvement Backend 

ReDesign admin/includes/page-edit.php

To implement chat GPT it will be required to make some modifications to the content edit page. Maybe this will be merged with #409 (content builder)
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  457 Days ago | Issue #411 | Gallery Plugin
Plugin Update 

Update SimpleImage.php

SimpleImage.php is a great class and used by the gallery plugin to handle image manipulation.
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  114 Days ago | Issue #410 | Refactoring YaWK: re-write using symfony
Improvement Help appreciated 

Roadmap to Symfony

**This is the roadmap about this process:** **Initial setup and codebase reorganization:** If we decide to refactor, we need to create a new Symfony project and reorganize the existing codebase to fit the standard Symfony directory structure. **Refactor PHP classes:** Refactoring the PHP classes in the system/classes directory to use Symfony's services, dependency injection, and autowiring. **Admin backend refactoring:** Refactoring of the admin backend (admin/includes) to use Symfony's controllers, routing, and Twig templating system. Make use of newest Version of AdminLTE or re-write a complete custom solution, maybe using react as frontend helper. **Security:** Implement Symfony's security component for authentication and authorization, replacing the existing security system in YaWK. **Plugins and widgets:** Refactor the existing plugins and widgets to work as Symfony bundles or create new ones as Symfony bundles. This will make them more maintainable and extendable. **Templates:** Refactor the template system to work with Symfony's Twig templating engine and asset management. **Translations:** Implement Symfony's translation component for multi-language support in both the frontend and backend. **Event handling:** Use Symfony's event dispatcher and event subscribers to handle various events in the CMS, such as page creation, content updates, and more. **Automated testing:** Implement automated testing using PHPUnit and Symfony's WebTestCase to ensure code quality and prevent regressions. **Performance optimization:** Optimize and improve the performance of the CMS using Symfony's built-in tools like the profiler and caching system.
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  476 Days ago | Issue #408 | Assets System
Update Assets 

Update Assets / engines folder

All changes related to system/engines/ (which contains 3rd party tools) - updated on demand.
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  481 Days ago | Issue #407 | Improve Statistics

Statistics Reset

add feature to reset (delete) the statistics table. To achieve this, we've added a new method to db class: truncateTable($table) --> see
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  483 Days ago | Issue #406 | Remove Bugs
Improvement SECURITY 

Admin / User Login: avoid brute-force login attempts

Add methods to block user by ip, send admin email if possible brute force attack was detected, set timer to block logins for x minutes, probably add captcha after some failed logins
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/.sites/78/site9032863/web/ on line 429 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/.sites/78/site9032863/web/ on line 430
  483 Days ago | Issue #405 |
Backend Class 

User Class

all methods that are related to user management and user handling.
open issue on GitHub

  484 Days ago | Issue #404 | YaWK Update Feature
Feature Backend Update 

Update Feature: fast-forward version number

If all hash values are the same, it should be possible to fast-forward the system's version number to the latest updateVersion. This feature would be useful in cases where files were manually uploaded via FTP, which is not the intended method. This fast-forwarding feature would enable users to easily stay up-to-date with the latest version # of YaWK, even if there has been manual intervention within the system's filebase.
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  485 Days ago | Issue #403 | Improve Installer / Setup Routine
Improvement Backend 

Improve Installer Class

Any improvements corresponding to the installer class should be referenced here.
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  482 Days ago | Issue #402 | YaWK Update Feature
Feature Update 

Update Feature: Increment YaWK Version Number (system.ini)

**system/update/system.ini** contains currentVersion, buildTime and latest changelog message. Will be auto-updated during build process by shell script that builds the update. This file needs to be committed with every update to ensure a fresh clone from github is marked as the latest version.
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  485 Days ago | Issue #401 | Improve Installer / Setup Routine

Setup SQL: yawk_database.sql

This file holds all the default settings that will be imported during installation. Any changes within this file will be referenced to this issue.
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  482 Days ago | Issue #400 | YaWK Update Feature
Feature Update 

Update Feature: update-runMigrations.php

xhr helper to call runMigration() method from update class
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  482 Days ago | Issue #399 | YaWK Update Feature
Feature Update 

Update Feature: Changelog

Changelog can be displayed at the update page. It shows all previous versions and their corresponding update information.
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  487 Days ago | Issue #398 | Chat GPT Integration

ChatGPT: add API Key to admin Menu

open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  42 Days ago | Issue #397 | Chat GPT Integration
Update Database 

ChatGPT Database Settings

Add settings to **system/setup/yawk_database.sql** (will be imported during _fresh installation_)
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  482 Days ago | Issue #396 | YaWK Update Feature
Improvement Backend Update 

Update Feature: Test Cases

all testing-related issues will be referenced here
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  489 Days ago | Issue #395 | YaWK Update Feature
Backend Update 

Update Feature: admin/update-fetchFiles.php

used by admin/update-helper.js to fetch files, called via xhr; calls the fetchFiles method from php class
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  493 Days ago | Issue #394 | Backend Improvement
Improvement Backend 

Backend.JS default methods for admin backend

**admin/js/yawk-backend.js** Default Javascript helper methods that can be used anywhere within the admin backend.
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  42 Days ago | Issue #393 | Chat GPT Integration
Backend Language 

ChatGPT Language Tags

Add openAI / chatGPT related Tags to the backend language files
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  42 Days ago | Issue #392 | Chat GPT Integration

ChatGPT Settings Page

**admin/includes/settings-openai.php** The page, where the API can be managed. (Add / Edit API Key, edit model, set model params)
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  42 Days ago | Issue #391 | Chat GPT Integration

CURL: ChatGPT Response

Add Class that serves methods to communicate with the API and return results.
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  42 Days ago | Issue #390 | Chat GPT Integration
Improvement Feature Backend 

Add ChatGPT API Key

add api key to system settings. Will be used everywhere chatGPT will be implemented around the backend.
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  489 Days ago | Issue #389 | YaWK Update Feature
Feature Backend Update 

Update Feature: update-readUpdateFilebase.php

xhr method to read the filebase of current update
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  482 Days ago | Issue #388 | YaWK Update Feature
Feature Update Database 

Update Feature: Database Migration

To make sure, the database is also updated to the latest version, db migration methods will be integrated.
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  489 Days ago | Issue #387 | YaWK Update Feature
Feature Backend Update 

Update Feature: update-generateLocalFilebase.php

Read filebase of current installation and write all files with path and hash values into system/update/filebase.current.ini
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  482 Days ago | Issue #386 | YaWK Update Feature
Improvement Backend Update 

Update Feature: update-helper.js

All Javascript update helper methods
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  482 Days ago | Issue #385 | YaWK Update Feature
Feature Backend Update 

Update Feature: admin page

**admin/includes/update.php** The backend page where the page owner / admin start and manage the update process.
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  482 Days ago | Issue #384 | YaWK Update Feature
Feature Update Class 

Update Feature: Add / Improve Update Class

**system/classes/update.php** contains all php methods that handles everything server-side about the update process.
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

  482 Days ago | Issue #383 | YaWK Update Feature
Improvement Update Language 

Update Feature: Add Language Tags

Add update feature language tags
open issue on GitHub open Milestone on GitHub

Issues latest 5 closed problems